Policies and Bylaws
The Laws That Govern Us
Articles of Incorporation
This document establishes Cal Poly Partners’ as a separate entity.
Created by the board of directors, these documents lay out Cal Poly Partners’ policies related to specific issues.
Operating Agreement
This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Cal Poly Partners’ may operate as an auxiliary.
Cal Poly Partners’ Policies
Created by the board of directors, these documents lay out Cal Poly Partners’ policies related to specific issues.
policies 100 - general administration
102 Delegation of Authority
103 Independent Audit
104 Extension of Credit
105 Depreciation
106 Source of Use of Public Relations Funds
108 Endowment Funds
109 Net Assets Reserve
110 Administrative Cost Recovery and Services Fees
111 Purchasing
112 Travel Expense Reimbursement
113 Planned Giving Program
114 Risk Management Program
117 Budget Controls and Delegated Authority
118 Records/Information Retention and Disposition
121 General Investment
123 Internal Investment Fund
124 Corporate Investment Fund
125 University Program Endowment Fund
128 Grant and Annuity Society Investment
129 External Investment Management Services
130 Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association Trust Investment
131 Other Post-Employee Benefits Investment
132 Gift Reinvestment Fee
134 Budget and Finance Advisory Committee
135 Executive Committee