
The People and Bylaws that Govern Us

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and one of 86 auxiliaries within the California State University system. In this capacity, we help Cal Poly evolve and elevate the educational experience and empower the university community to strive for more.

Through our network of professional staff, we provide fiscal and administrative services to units across campus. We support faculty and student research through our Sponsored Programs office. We deliver diverse dining options as well as affordable textbooks and academic supplies. And we provide a growing offering of attainable faculty and staff housing.

We are 100 percent self-supporting and receive no state funding. Every dollar we generate goes back to Cal Poly in support of Learn by Doing.

Board of Directors

As a nonprofit and we are led by a board of directors, from whom we receive direction. Our board is made up of faculty and staff members, students and established community leaders who share our drive to partner with the university in support of student success.

Meet our board


With nearly 80 years of combined Cal Poly experience, our leadership team brings a diverse array of experiences, schooling, history and knowledge to the campus.

meet our leadership team

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

We are dedicated to full transparency and providing easy access to board meeting minutes and agendas, all in an effort to increase awareness of Cal Poly Partner’s role on campus.

See our Board meeting agendas and minutes


Everything from the Annual Operating Budget and IRS Form 990s, to VEBA Trust and Investment reports, this is where you will find the annual financial reports.

See Our Financial Reports

Policies and Bylaws

Establishing Cal Poly Partners as an entity, defining our purpose, laying out policies and offering up public records. These are the documents that govern us.

See our policies and bylaws